10 things I LOVE, 10 things I DON'T LOVE
and 5 random things about me.
1. Spring and Summer
2. Indiana(my dog-not the state)
3. High heels
4. Holding Hands
5. Spiced Rum
6. Tinkerbell
7. Music
8. Laughing/Making people laugh
9. Outrageous jewelry
10. Knowing what it feels like to genuinely love and be loved.
Don't Love
1. Stereotypes
2. Hair in the shower
3. The sound of fingernails on fabric(worse than a chalkboard)
4. Reality TV
5. Hiccups
6. Liars
7. People who think they're above the rules
8. Working in groups
9. Clowns
10. Knives
1. I am less than five feet tall
2. I walk to campus ALMOST everyday
3. My favorite colors are pink and green
4. I am so ready for Spring
5. I am an excellent speller...