Saturday, January 28, 2012

A Little R&R

I am not leaving this apartment today. 
This week has been completely exhausting. So, I'm beginning my weekend with my Penny, my favorite blanket, and bad movies. I may actually end up cleaning something, but I'm not going to make any commitments. 

No goals. No lists. No plan. 

Just Saturday. 

And maybe some links...

A list of bloggers to check out.

Challenging pose how-to by Kathryn Budig.

Happy Weekend, friends. <3

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Weekend Update

Alright. I suppose I need to do a fly-by update of the past two weeks to get you caught up with my oh-so-special life.

1. I started a new job!! (Yay!)

2. I lost my bleeping wallet...(not yay)

3. I started practicing yoga (Yay! Yay!)

4. I finished reading Water for Elephants. (Yay!)

Fortunately, there are more "yay" updates than "not yay" updates. The lost wallet situation is a huge pain in the ass, but it's not reason to freak out (or so I've been told). So...let's focus on the positives.

My new job is absolutely fantastic. I have so many beautiful little ones and a staff full of precious co-workers with which to spend my weekdays.

Water for Elephants was a wonderful story and you must **MUST** read it. Right now. Go.

And now to my favorite update: YOGA! I'll probably make an entire post about it later because I love it so much. My body feels better and I find myself making better choices when it comes to food. Seriously, I even decided to go running a couple days ago...Yeah...of my own free will. My pay-day plan is to join a local gym so I can get extra cardio and maybe use weight machines. 9 weeks before this cruise (and 89 weeks until our wedding) and I need to be ready for my bikini!

Alright, blogger friends, I hope you have a fantabulous week. Don't forget about the book. 

Saturday, January 7, 2012

This Week...

...I declared my love for almond milk.

...finally got my awesome hutch from Mom and Dad!

...I bought some awesomely awesome hand soaps from B&BW.

Plus, I found some lovely links...

1. A safe way to avoid the dry cleaner.

2. My new favorite interior design site.

3. A foodie blog with B-E-A-utiful photos.

4. A unique chair set up for our ring ceremony.

5. The perfect wedding band for my future hubby.


Monday, January 2, 2012

Like A Pie Crust

While I should probably give up on resolutions (because I almost never keep them), I really don't want to. I love feeling the fresh start of the new year. I love the feeling of brand new goals, and I decided to make another list. 
So, here are my goals for 2012...


Last night, I started reading Water for Elephants. I've only finished the first chapter and I already know I'm going to love it. Everyone says the movie was great, so the book should be even better. Ultimately, I'd like to finish at least one book every month.


I know I say this every year, but is that a bad thing? This engagement ring is doing wonders for my diet and I'm excited to see where it gets me. 
It's an incredible junk food barrier:
Co-worker: "Would you like an oreo?" 
Me: (looks down at shiny flashes before my eyes) "No, thanks."


Let's face it, we are not college students anymore. Therefore, there is no excuse for the current state of our living space. A few weeks ago, I found this great blogger who created a Declutter and Organize Calendar for 2012! Each day has one simple task to help you simplify your home. Totally doable. 


Those are really the only three that are solid, for now. 
I have a few more ideas, but we'll just take it one step at a time. 

Sunday, January 1, 2012


Happy 2012!

Here's to a year of wedding planning and big, big changes!
