Monday, February 21, 2011


We have already established how much I love making lists. I guess I need to spend more time paying attention to my list of things to do before I die. Time to post a revamped version of the list found in the link above.

Those completed have been crossed out, and the items with asterisks are featured on my Tumblr.

1. Get a college degree*
2. Become a music teacher*
3. Be able to live on my own
4. Get married*
5. Have a baby
6. Visit all 50 states*
7. Change a life
8. Save a life
9. Donate my hair.*
10. Visit New York City
11. Do volunteer work
12. Donate to charity
13. Go on a cruise!*
14. Stay in a Disney Resort
15. Take a photo of myself every day for a year
16. Make a journal entry every day for a year
17. Stop biting my nails*
18. Sing in front of an audience…again*
19. Be healthy
20. Lose 15 pounds for good*
21. Look good in a bikini*
22. Kiss in the rain
23. Learn how to drive a stick shift
24. Own all the disney classics*
25. Have something named after me*
26. Complete "The One Hundred" on my own terms
27. Become a GOOD cook*
28. Sacrifice my Christmas for a family in need
29. Befriend someone I don't like
30. Go to Paris
31. Plant a tree*
32. Have a garden
33. Travel the world!*
34. Be happy with my savings account
35. Visit Samantha, AL
36. Go a whole year without an overdraft fee.
37. Keep my home and car clean for more than 1 day.*
38. Disappear for 1 day. *
39. See the Chicago Symphony perform live.
40. Conquer my fear of clowns.
41. Have a yard with a hammock
42. Grow old with someone.
43. Own all 10 seasons of Friends*
44. Have a pen pal*
45. Take a surfing lesson
46. Play the part of Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz
47. Own a really good camera and take pretty pictures.*
48. Ride an elephant.
49. Learn to belly dance!*
50. See the northern lights
51. Get a tattoo*
52. Learn guitar*
53. Dye my hair red.
54. Visit the famous tree from Forrest Gump.
55. Own a home.

That's it, for now. I'm actively working on Nos. 2, 3, 9, 14, 15, 16, 36, and -possibly- 53.

I'll try to make some individual posts on the ones I've already completed if not all of them.

Monday, February 14, 2011

A Perfect Day...

We awoke only because the sun was sneaking through the blinds. No alarm. No call from work. ( called...but that doesn't mean I answered.)No screaming cat.

Just sunshine.

The weather was beautiful. Even with a cool breeze, it was beautiful. We decided to break fast with pancakes at The Original Pancake House. I had chocolate chip pancakes. What could possibly be better than chocolate for breakfast? Unfortunately, I didn't take a picture of them, but I found a picture of them online. Close enough.

After breakfast, we drove up to Vulcan. "You Are Beautiful" graffiti has been popping up in the city and Frank suggested we take a few pictures.

After our adorable photo shoot, we went to The Summit to pick up his present and then to Whole Foods for some goodies. Guess which one is mine. :)

Later, Frank picked up some groceries to make dinner. He's such a good cook.

Now, we're watching The Social Network.

It's been a perfect day.