Wednesday, October 26, 2011


When I woke up at 7am, I had a headache. So, I went back to sleep.

I woke up again at 9:15 and the headache was still there.

I visited Frank, I bought a few groceries, drank lots of Diet Mt. Dew and took a few pills.

At 4:10pm my dull, annoying ache is still here.

I have to be at work at 5:30. Until then, I will continue to ingest pills and caffeine 
and pray that this obnoxious aching decides to leave.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Friday Favorites

Here are just a few of my favorite links I found this week.

1. These boys are adorable. Not much else needs to be said. 

2. Take a second to check out this adorable blog
She's a first time mommy-to-be and her 
"Awkward and Awesome Thursday" posts are the best.

3. I am all about one-of-a-kind engagement rings! 
These vintage rings are gorgeous and amazingly cheap!

4. Three words: Chocolate Chip Cookies.

5. I am way too excited about this manicure

Happy Friday, Y'all!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Thankful Thursday

Just a moment ago I was enjoying my alone time in my comfy chair and I came up with a blogging idea for each Thursday!

So, welcome to the first official "Thankful Thursday" post.

1. Warm kitty tummies on cold hands and feet.

2. Meet Joe Black on Netflix

3. Coffee

4. Pinterest (Where I found these cute photos.)

5. Random ideas

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Mission Laundry: Conquered

Behind every working woman is an enormous pile of unwashed laundry. 

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

How Lucky

As you probably saw in my previous post, I've been really struggling with the idea of loss lately. My family is still suffering through grief and sadness. That grief has really taken a toll on my thoughts. I consistently have nightmares about losing my loved ones. My head is full of "What will I do without her?" ... "I cannot live without him"  and "What if there was an accident?"  As I mentioned before, sometimes I think life would be better if I could just be alone. Better, easier, simpler. A life without "goodbye" sounds pretty perfect, right? Yeah. Part of me really wanted to believe that, but tonight I found this quote...

“How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.”
— A.A. Milne Winnie the Pooh

How beautiful. Honestly, I struggled to hold back my tears. I don't believe a single quote has ever been so close to my heart. Life alone would be free of goodbyes, but it would also be free of love.

How lucky.  

How blessed.  

How thankful. 

Thursday, October 6, 2011

It Happens

I woke up in a fantastic mood this morning. It seems as though my body is just happy to not be hungover/sick anymore. Around 10am I ventured out for a jog on Vulcan Trail which has a beautiful view of the city and is conveniently located right outside my door. The weather in Alabama has been perfect lately and I feel obligated to take advantage of the temperatures. Our summers and winters can be a little frustrating, so you have to learn to be grateful for any and every glimpse of autumn or spring. 

My weight has been sturdily bound to the 120s club for the past few months and I couldn't be happier! Seeing that number on my scale gives me even more motivation to keep pushing forward. Yesterday, I used my Facebook status to issue a decree. I will be using the month of October to better clean up the mess that is my life.

So, there you have it. It's time to get my shit together. Time to put my big girl panties on and gather myself financially, professionally, physically, and emotionally. No one's going to hand me a job. No one's going to hold my hand while I search for a job. No one's going to stop me from putting that deep fried Oreo in my mouth. 

I have to do it. 

Ready. Set. Go.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Anything You Can Get Away With

I am no photographer, that's for sure. I have extreme photo envy while stalking my favorite lady bloggers. My talent and knowledge are definitely lacking when it comes to photography.  That being said, I truly love taking pictures and saving these little permanent memories. So, talent or no talent, I will continue to post my sad little photos for everyone to make fun of enjoy.

"Art is anything you can get away with." Andy Warhol

Saturday, October 1, 2011

When I Sorrow Most

September is gone. Good riddance. 

Today was absolutely beautiful, and I happily spent most of the day watching three children. Afterwards, I did a little shopping! The weather was a little on the chilly side, so I decided to celebrate by visiting Frank at work...and new boots

While all of that was fun, my favorite part of the day was speaking to my family for the first time in nearly a month. I've really missed them, but I just wasn't ready to talk. Every morning I check my phone to make sure no one else is gone... I knew if I didn't call, I could make up an imaginary world where everything was normal and everyone was safe.  I cannot handle any more loss. 

Lately, I've been thinking a lot about loss. Why are we such dependent creatures?  Why are we capable of loving something that's perishable? We end up loving someone more than we love ourselves only to lose them along the way. I have nightmares about losing Frank. 

For a while, I thought maybe it would be better to be alone. That way you'd never have to say goodbye. Never mourn and grieve. But then I realized I would miss all those memories that I cherish so much. Like Poppy's endless loop of stories or Indy's adorable rollover trick. 

So, I suppose Tennyson was right. 
"Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all."