Thursday, May 31, 2012


This morning, Future Husband got up at the crack of dawn, got dressed, kissed me goodbye, and left for work.  Last night I made a proclamation that I would run before I did absolutely anything else today. At 7am his car pulled out of the parking lot and my brain began to work against me for the next 30 minutes. 

"He'll never know if you actually got up when he left." 
-Very true, but I'm a terrible liar-

"Just wait until 9. You're on vacation!"
-Good point... I've got nothing else to do today!-

"It's probably too hot already."
-Ugh. Is it autumn yet?-

"Why are you even bothering? You've tried this a thousand times and it hasn't changed anything!"
-I'm going to be fat forever.-

At 7:30am, I promptly told that Negative Nancy to GTFO, grabbed my running shoes, and headed out the door! You guys! I ran before 8am! It wasn't fast. It wasn't far. But you know what? It was faster and farther than what I did yesterday... or the day before...or the week before...

Maybe this isn't a breakthrough. Maybe I'll be lazy for the rest of the year, but not today. 

Today is different. 
Today I tried.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Success In Any Realm

While I may not be on track with my fitness goals, I am exceedingly successful in one of my 2012 resolutions.
I have been reading a lot of excellent books lately and I'm really proud of myself! My goal for the year was to read 10 books, but it seems as though I should have aimed for a higher number. I've already read 8 books this year. Eight may not seem like a huge number to you, but it's a lot more than zero...

So! Here is the list of books I've read this year. Just for fun, I'll rate each one from one to five asterisks. :)

1. Water for Elephants *****
2. Wicked *****
3. Catching Fire *****
4. Mocking Jay *****
5. P.S. I Love You **
6. The Lucky One **
7. The Help ****
8. Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close *****

I have to admit, I'm really pleased with myself!
 I'm currently reading Life of Pi and I'm really excited to get into it.

Any suggestions on what book number 10 should be?