With as much creativity as you can muster, show your heart in:
1 picture
1 poem
1 song or piece of music
1 phrase or quote
1 item of clothing
1 place
[And just for fun-] 1 Disney princess!
So, here we go.
One Picture: I found this at weheartit and I have been staring at it. I saved it with the title "God" because THIS is where I find Him. Moments like these are where I feel Him.

One Poem: This is a section from The Buried Life. You can find a link to the full poem in an earlier post.
Only--but this is rare--
When a beloved hand is laid in ours,
When, jaded with the rush and glare
Of the interminable hours, 80
Our eyes can in another's eyes read clear,
When our world-deafen'd ear
Is by the tones of a loved voice caress'd--
A bolt is shot back somewhere in our breast,
And a lost pulse of feeling stirs again.
The eye sinks inward, and the heart lies plain,
And what we mean, we say, and what we would, we know.
A man becomes aware of his life's flow,
And hears its winding murmur; and he sees
The meadows where it glides, the sun, the breeze.
One song or piece of music: Right now I am obsess with ...don't hate me... a Dixie Chicks song called Lullaby. The lyrics are precious.
"They didn't have you where I come from. Never knew the best was yet to come. Life began when I saw your face, and I hear your laugh like a serenade."
One phrase or quote:
Be soft. Do not let the world make you hard. Do not let the pain make you hate. Do not let the bitterness steal your sweetness. Take pride that even though the rest of the world may disagree, you still believe it to be a beautiful place. - Unknown
One item of clothing: J.Crew khaki shorts... I wear them as much as possible.

One place: My apartment... because that's the only place I've wanted to be the past few... months. I am the definition of a home body.
One Disney Princess: Rapunzel because she'll be here in NOVEMBER.
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