Monday and Tuesday were filled with the normal classes.
Wednesday was...interesting. My friend Elisha is an International Business and Arabic major. A few years ago, he started a little Arabic music ensemble and asked me to be the piccolo/flute player. Wednesday we performed for the Alabama Federation for Music Clubs. AKA: A bunch of old ladies that know A LOT about music.
Thursday was so exhausting! First I had symphony band, then I taught a private lesson. After all that we had a woodwind ensembles concert which I bailed on immediately following the flutes' performance. After that, Frank and I went to a birthday party.
Friday I worked in the morning and then had rehearsal at the usual time. That night, Elisha took me to the St. Elias Lebanese Food and Culture Festival. Lots of fun!
I left the festival to get to a double date with my little sorority sister and her boyfriend. We watched "Up in the Air" and had spaghetti.
TODAY. WAS. FANTASTIC. Frank and I participated in the Bromberg's Diamond Dash in search for this...

...A $15,000 Ritani diamond ring! We didn't win, but we had a blast searching for it!
Now I'm taking a break from cleaning the apartment and waiting for Frank to get home from work. We're watching 2012 in HD tonight! I hope next week is equally fabulous.
My candle burns at both its ends;
It will not last the night;
But oh, my foes, and oh, my friends --
It gives a lovely light.
~Edna St. Vincent Millay
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