During the previous week:
1. I did not use salt instead of sugar in my coffee.
2. I absolutely did not read a motherhood/family blog (O My Family) from start to finish. That's right… we're talking three years of blog posts.
3. I did not CRY when I read part one and part two of AllisonO's beautiful birth story. **I find it hard to believe pushing a human through your body can be that… beautiful (Can't think of any other descriptor)
4. I could not even imagine spending the past few weeks reading natural birth stories on various "mommy blogs"
5. I definitely not insane enough to stand on the side of a mountain and watch an F5 tornado rip its way through the north part of my county.
6. I did not get up at 5 a.m. to watch the royal wedding… FIVE. A.M. Madness.
7. I did not give cupcakes to a class of 3 year olds at 9:30 Friday morning. **disclaimer: Not my fault. Snack is scheduled for 9:30. Someone's mom brought cupcakes for snack. Not. My. Fault.
8. I certainly did not have one of those (delicious) cupcakes for MY 9:30am snack
9. I am not guilty of leaving my GPS at home while trying to find the children I needed to babysit. Said children did not see me circling their neighborhood and certainly did not tell their mother.
10. I absolutely positively did not watch an encore presentation of the royal wedding as I made a draft of this post.
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